
Princess Tales - Snow - TG

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The snow slipped gently through the trees, sliding past the surface of the branches to smack gently upon what should have been warm ground. Outside the clearing, the sun shined down on the earth, the grass grew, and the birds sang. Inside the clearing, the snow fell upon the earth, the white foxes darted, and a black haired woman scowled at the earth.

"Do you have to do that!?"

The ground made no response; that wasn't unusual. It only rarely made a response, and generally just a crack or a rumble. She was convinced it wasn't speaking to her, and didn't care in the slightest about her existence. But she had no one better to yell at, so she placed a hand on her hip and glared at it anyway.

"You're going to get wrinkle lines doing that, Snow!"

The princess's ear perked a little when Linda came, a smiles preading across her weary face as she twisted around, glancing over Linda's form. As cute as ever with her perk body, but unattainable goods were unattainable. She was more interested in the blonde package at her side.

"Linda!" Snow drawled, putting emphasis on the individual syllables as she walked forward. Her hands were outstretched and inviting, her features nonthreatening, her side purposeful enough that they wouldn't try to run, but not so fast they'd feel threatening. Linda still smacked the princess on the head before she'd made it two steps.

"No making googly eyes on the new girl," she warned.

Snow pouted in response, trying to look cute as she rubbed the painful bump forming at the back of her head.  Her other hand was crossed under her breasts, emphasizing the rather average chest she possessed in the hopes of making it somewhat more appealing. "The other girls won't sleep with me, yet…"

The blonde's eyes widened, shooting between Snow and Linda in surprise; an innocent. That would be fun. "She's a…?"

"A horn dog, Jess. She sleeps with everything that moves, just about; except her husband."

"Separated husband," she corrected, smiling a little for Jesse's sake. "And we do two sleep together; when he bothers to come out here. I just don't wanna rule in some dumb palace surrounded by people who expect me to talk prim and proper would I could be out here instead…" she stretched her head back, looking at the clowdy sky. "Communing with nature. Talking to everyone in the world."

"Sleeping with every living thing she can get her hand on," Linda whispered. She just smirked when Snow gave her a glare.

"And the snow?" Jesse wanted to know.

Snow shrugged. "Witch's cures; too damn hard to get rid of, honestly. Have you ever been kissed by a girl before?"

The wooden spoon intercepted her lips when she darted in, squishing her lips against her teeth as it pushed in. "Leave her alone, Snow; only quest members allowed."

The girl gave another start at that, but Snow smiled. "So you wanted negotiations… and what do I need to join this quest and gain access to those… lovely lips?" she licked her lips, glancing down at Jesse's groin. There was a moment of silence, and then a squeak when the girl realized what was going on. She loved the squeakers.

"You get an equal opportunity shot at them if you help me get the new princess situated, up to and including the process of completing her quest so that she can settle down properly."

Snow frowned, tossing the idea back and forth in her mind for a moment, or at least pretending to. Pretty girl, no pretty girl. Chances to flirt and roll in the snow, or glaring at the ground getting tired of frozen earth. Starving from lack of food at home, or complaining to other people that she was starving from lack of food while trying to chew through field rations.

She frowned, reconsidering for a moment when she hit upon the idea of trail rations, but shoved that thought aside for a moment in order to smile. "It's a deal; I expect the other girls will be around?"

Linda sighed, her breath lifting a strand of her red hair for the wind to play with on the way through the trees. A few flakes of snow melted on the woman's face as she gave a tired smile. "Yes, Snow, there will be oher girls for you to flirt with. Now come on. " She took Jesse firmly by the shoulder, leading her charge as Snow walked after, the circle of snow continuing with them.

"What's the quest for, anyway?" she demanded, hurrying over the white earth to reach them. Her heart skipped a beat when Linda smiled; the girl really was cute. And scary. The smile was rarely good.

"It's a quest to regain Jesse's hypothetical manhood."

Snow stared for a few moments; and then she grinned. "Ooh, I love a mixed pairing…"
So, how do you like my take on Snow White?

She couldn't quite get used to the palace. She does mind the prince sometimes, mind you, but mostly just in bed. The city wasn't entirely fond of the constant snow, either, I must admit...
© 2011 - 2024 Princess-Kay
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god-in-a-wrapper's avatar
She's a creeper and perhaps slightly south of sane as well.